Proclaiming Christ, Liberating and Renewing lives

Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Disclaimer of the Website

The information provided by Hephzibah Ademu Ministries (HAM), (‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’) on and its affiliated site, and (collectively the ‘Site’) is to advance the Christian faith and education and promote our Christian ministries and community work. HAM’s Digital Information Well-being Service (DIWS) resources with other external links to support services is provided for signposting and only for the intent of information. The other external website links to support services (‘the websites’) on the Site is presented with good-faith. Nevertheless, we provide no guarantee or representation, direct or indirect, concerning the authenticity, sufficiency, consistency, accessibility, or comprehensiveness of all information on the external websites to the support services. Using our website, you agree to our Terms of use. In no situations will we have any liability to website user for any loss or damage acquired in relation to the use of the websites or dependence on the information presented on the websites. The decision of the website user to use the support services websites and dependence on information on the external websites is exclusively at users’ risk.

 Disclaimer of the External Links to Support Services

This Site may have links to external websites. These external websites are not inspected, examined regarding authenticity, sufficiency, consistency, accessibility, or comprehensiveness by us. We do not guarantee, endorse, or accept liability for the correctness of any information presented by external websites of support services linked through the Site. HAM shall not be accountable for administering any agreements between users and external website providers of products or services.

HAM’s Site does not contain health advice or professional medical information and do not provide health advice. The mental health and well-being support services website links are offered for signposting and only for the purpose of education and information and is not a replacement for specialist advice. We encourage users to discuss with the suitable professionals before acting based on Providers information. The use of the other external links to support services included on this Site is exclusively at users’ risk.

Ownership and operation of Website

Hephzibah Ademu Ministries owns and operates the Site, the Digital Information Well-being Service (DIWS) resources, and all affiliated websites of this Site.

Rationale of the Terms and Condition

The T&C of the use of the Site by a visitor (‘Website User’) is as follows:

  • Being a provider of products, services, memberships, and volunteer events on the Website (the ‘Provider’)
  •  Being an individual looking to obtain products, services, memberships and be part of volunteer events with a Provider, or other visitor to the Site (‘Visitor’).

Agreements by User of the Site

By making use of the Site, every Website User agrees that he or she has read and understood these T&C.

 Purpose of the Site

This is to help Visitor, understand HAM ministries and signpost Visitor with HAM’s DIWS resources through links to Providers to provide Visitor with products, services, memberships, and volunteer events.

 Website User dependence on Links to Website as expert health advice

The Site external links on DIWS resources is for signposting and are only for the intent of providing information. We suggest the Website User acquires appropriate expert advice on every matter, as necessary.  

The Scope to where Hephzibah Ademu Ministries is Permitted to Include and Exclude Provider’s Links from the Site

Hephzibah Ademu Ministries’ uses its discretion for the scope or extent to which we make available a Provider’s link to be included on the Site.

Hephzibah Ademu Ministries may remove a Provider’s link from the Site at its own discretion and at any time.  This is reasonable, Provider do not offer payment to Hephzibah Ademu Ministries for the  links of the Providers on the Site.

Scope of Hephzibah Ademu Ministries’ liability to Website User for damage or losses as follows

  • Incorrect, inadequate, or outdated

Hephzibah Ademu Ministries’ liability is prohibited to the highest level authorized by law.

The Name shown on the Links

In relation to the name and website link of a Provider:

Hephzibah Ademu Ministries is totally dependent on the Provider to ensure its name is correct and up to date in Provider’s website. HAM will continually provide sufficient efforts to make sure that Providers names are correct and will thoroughly review all Provider names and links on a quarterly basis.

  • Activities or failures to act by a Provider with link on the Site

Hephzibah Ademu Ministries’ liability is prohibited to the fullest extent authorized by law. The Website Users and Provider accepts the following:

  • Hephzibah Ademu Ministries would not be accountable for any part of the delivery of products, services, memberships, and volunteer activities provided by the Provider.
  • Every agreement for the delivery of products, services, membership, and volunteer activities is completely between the Website User and the Provider.
  • Hephzibah Ademu Ministries as proprietor of this Website is not engaged in any disagreement between the Website User and Provider.
  • Exclusion of a link from the Site

Hephzibah Ademu Ministries’ is not liable to the Provider and liability is prohibited to the highest level authorized by law as HAM does not require payments from the Provider for addition of its link on the Site.

The Proprietorship of copyright and intellectual property regarding the Site (including Uniform Resource Locator, written content, Logo, and artwork, and)

Such Intellectual Property (IP) belongs to Hephzibah Ademu Ministries and does not belong to the Website User. A Website User shall not have propriety interest but can display content of the Site on digital screen and print pages for non-commercial purpose.

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy determines the privacy terms of our Website, at  

Hephzibah Ademu Ministries abide by legal obligations to protect Users privacy. HAM’s Privacy Policy explains how the organisation may gather and use information from Website Users.


Hephzibah Ademu Ministries make use of cookies to enable personalise the website experience. In a situation where a User does not want to receive a cookie, then he or she must set his or her browser to reject it.


HAM may terminate the Site at any time, without needing the permission a Website User.

Revision and Modification of Terms and Conditions

HAM may revise and modify the T&C at any time by publication of any amendments on the Site. We are not obliged to obtain consent from a Website User.

Acceptance of Hephzibah Ademu Ministries and Website User regarding the whole agreement

These T&C represent the full agreement between Hephzibah Ademu Ministries and User of the DIWS resources and Site. No Website User depend on a warranty or representation regarding the Website except as explicitly specified in these T&C of the Site.

Governing Law

The T&C will be interpreted in relation to English Law.

Dispute Resolution

A dispute between HAM and a Website User regarding the Website and the T&C shall be subject to the sole prerogative of the English law court.